Approaching Silence by Precious Silence

Welcome to my blog...................

My mission for you is ......... Learn To Listen
One of the things that nobody really tells you is how to learn to listen to music. In fact, there is much skill in listening to music.

........................It can help to relaxing your mind

Did you know music can help you study? Studies have shown that the right kind of music can help you relax your mind which enables you to concentrate better. Perfect to studying, doing homework or studying for a test or exam. It cuts down on distractions and helps you focus on your work.

Enjoy your stay here.....

It’s all too easy to have a runaway a mind or have it so full of thoughts that you feel like you’re herding cats! There are definitely days when it’s going a million miles a minute in all different directions. Those days make it nearly impossible to shut down the mental chatter or focus on anything. Stress and worry clog up your mental processes. Nothing sticks and nothing good comes out, either.

This causes even more stress, sometimes to the point where the mind seizes up and you can’t function or make the simplest of decisions! But you can learn how to clear your mind completely and get it under control again.

- See more at:

It’s all too easy to have a runaway a mind or have it so full of thoughts that you feel like you’re herding cats! There are definitely days when it’s going a million miles a minute in all different directions. Those days make it nearly impossible to shut down the mental chatter or focus on anything. Stress and worry clog up your mental processes. Nothing sticks and nothing good comes out, either.

This causes even more stress, sometimes to the point where the mind seizes up and you can’t function or make the simplest of decisions! But you can learn how to clear your mind completely and get it under control again.

- See more at:

It’s all too easy to have a runaway a mind or have it so full of thoughts that you feel like you’re herding cats! There are definitely days when it’s going a million miles a minute in all different directions. Those days make it nearly impossible to shut down the mental chatter or focus on anything. Stress and worry clog up your mental processes. Nothing sticks and nothing good comes out, either.

This causes even more stress, sometimes to the point where the mind seizes up and you can’t function or make the simplest of decisions! But you can learn how to clear your mind completely and get it under control again.

- See more at:

It’s all too easy to have a runaway a mind or have it so full of thoughts that you feel like you’re herding cats! There are definitely days when it’s going a million miles a minute in all different directions. Those days make it nearly impossible to shut down the mental chatter or focus on anything. Stress and worry clog up your mental processes. Nothing sticks and nothing good comes out, either.

This causes even more stress, sometimes to the point where the mind seizes up and you can’t function or make the simplest of decisions! But you can learn how to clear your mind completely and get it under control again.

- See more at:

maandag 14 juni 2010

Stilte............ een introductie....................

Bewust muziek luisteren houdt in dat je actief naar één
of meerdere aspecten van muziek luistert.
Aspecten,die zijn onder te verdelen in de klank, vorm en betekenis
van muziek.
De betekenis van muziek zorgt voor voordelige als
nadelige effecten op het gedrag van mensen.
Vooral de emotionele lading en herinneringen
die muziek kan oproepen kan effect hebben
op het gedrag van mensen.
Het luisteren naar muziek en klank maakt mensen bewust
van emoties.

Onbewust luisteren naar muziek is vaak een vorm van tijd vullen.
Onbewust luisteren van muziek in wachtkamers,op stations,luchthavens en
in de bioscoop voor het begin van een film.

Tijdsvulling , verveling en het gevoel om de tijd te versnellen.

Leer te luisteren.
Luister naar de verschillende lagen in muziek en klank.Concentreer je op de muziek.
Leer een muziekstuk uit te luisteren i.p.v door te spoelen naar een volgend stuk.

Alleen zo oefen je de vaardigheden op het "beluisteren" van muziek.

En,ontdek je de "stilte" in de muziek!

Geen opmerkingen:

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